My Approach

I help and support you move ahead from the first session in ways never imagined. I know the path and map forward refined, after spending years leveraging my arts, business and psychotherapy training into Creating Encores, “Sally Arnold’ Creator.

Did you know that everyone of us has the inner power and potential to be Bold Gutsy successful individuals . We just need to start changing our Mindset and importantly have a Guide. My Approach is to use the Gold from the path I have walked along. And help you custom make your own curated Professional and Personal self.

I can promise life will begin to blossom again. Just like a Michelin star chef who has refined their recipes, and creations so diners taste flavours and textures never imagined.

Is it time to start reinventing the best of you?

Be the best version of yourself

Remember, we all have great talents and gifts sitting inside. All you need is a Masterful Guide to open the entrance that may have been sealed too long. No different to going down into your cellar. Many times a treasure trove awaits.


Creative Mindset thinking is the key to our coaching. Regardless of your profession, work, style your creative juices are there. They just need to be found and shown to the world.