Transformative Music
Are there days when a piece of Music gets stuck in your head? And you just can’t get rid of its beat, rhythm and sound. So intoxicating, perhaps bringing back memories from your past or present?. Maybe from an outstanding performance, show, or concert, that excited and inspired. Similar to meeting up with a good friend that you see irregularly.
This is one of the many ways Music has an effect on our life. When Neuroscientists start pulling apart the effect of Music on our Brains this is when life gets interesting. Because the structure and function of Music affects the mechanisms of Neuroplasticity. Which is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. Listening to Music , all styles, all forms is a key factor that leads towards reducing anxiety, stress and day to day challenges in our lives. Or, add Music Therapy into the equation with the Medical world confirming deeply moving results from Patients with Dementia to returning Veterans.
Here is an example that has been seen frequently on Social Media. A former Dancer in a wheelchair, appears almost asleep. Then a track from Swan Lake, is played and her face comes alive. She shows recognition of the Music. With her hands and fingers coming to life. She creates beautiful dancer movements which are so different to the stiff almost lifeless woman in a wheelchair . I watched this video with tears streaming down my face, She is back as a dancer in the Ballet! The Military uses Music and Song writing to help veterans reclaim their lives after war injuries, mental and physical. Part of the program asks veterans to write songs with a musician accompanying . The purpose of this project is to help servicepeople voice deep repressed traumatised parts of their life. Bring these psychological Blocks out into the open thus reducing their inner challenges significantly. You can see that here are two very different Medical based situations of Music being the conduit to Transformation.
Are you Curious now to explore many of the ways that Immersing yourself in Music powers up your Brain. Showing Brain Plasticity at work again. A great way to get going is by listening to more music daily, whether its relaxing at home, with your favourite tracks swirling around, or during the day walking the dog. But the best and ultimate immersion is attending a live performance, of your choice, which could be Orchestral, Rock, Musical theatre, Chamber music, Ballet , Jazz or Opera. It’s all different styles of Music so trust your instincts here. During these experiences there can be an energetic connection between yourself, the performers and the Music. It’s similar to being drawn into a beautiful piece of Art, that beckons and you stop to engage. Music can have a pull that reminds us of our inner desires to let go, dance, sing and just be happy. As if you are on stage performing.
I’d like to introduce a metaphor that quickly shows Musical transformation. I call it the Superpower of Music. Imagine driving along a familiar highway.. Suddenly the traffic slows to a stop. You can’t move and see masses of cars ahead in the same predicament. Then you turn your head and to the side there’s a winding road leading off this highway never seen before. Maybe you’ve been driving on automatic? Anyway, it’s time to get off the highway onto this road. And WOW suddenly a new vista opens up. One that resembles the story of “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe”. You have opened a locked door, that reveals an intoxicating vista. One of potential, new directions, inspiring scenery, and more. It was time to move off a familiar path in your ( Brain/Mindset ) and let Music open up new neural directions towards inspired solutions and answers to stuck challenges. Many times a solution appears without much effort.. And here is a strong story to elaborate.
Several Years ago I headed The Australian Ballet Business Team which was responsible for millions of dollars’ worth of Sponsorship. CEOs of major companies enjoyed coming along to performances. And one day I was astounded when the CEO of the company which was the Major Sponsor said to me in a quiet voice that “he had just solved a massive problem that had been challenging him for weeks. And it happened during a ballet performance”. Not in his office, but when he was relaxed, and away from the situation. It was, “in the middle of a performance when the solution popped into his head”. He said he felt relieved, less stressed and a little unsure of “how and why” this had happened, I’d had been a professional Flautist, so quickly told him that he had joined the club of individuals who use Music to transform their lives, challenges especially.
Here's a quick way to experience the Power of Music. When you are feeling tired, exhausted, stressed listen to a short piece of your favourite music. No more than 5 minutes. When the Music finishes, remember how you felt at the start, so how do you now feel now ? Less stressed, peaceful, perhaps?